Child Nutrition and Parenting Skills

Child Nutrition and Parenting Skills Introduction
This module will help you understand the nutritional needs of children 1 to 5 years of age.
After completing this module the Nutrition Assistant will be able to:
Describe normal growth and development of children 1 to 5years old.
List factors influencing the growth and appetite for toddlers and pre-school children.
Describe feeding guidelines for children, includingself-feeding, division of responsibility, and food safety.
Describe common nutrition-related problems for children and identify solutions to these problems.
Describe choking, lead poisoning, and poison hazards forchildren and identify prevention or solutions for each.
Describe general principles of good parenting.
Identify indicators of nutritional need and specify conditions for a child’s WIC eligibility.
In a case study situation, assess a child’s growth pattern, biochemical clinical and dietary status.
Use role-play to interview the child’s caregiver to assess the child’s nutritional status then prioritize their needs and provide individual education.